Lakeshore City

Murree, Galiyat on High Alert in Anticipation of Snowfall

February 19, 2024

In anticipation of snowfall and heavy rain in Murree, Galiyat, and the surrounding areas, the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) and the district administration of Murree have sent out alerts and mobilized all pertinent departments. Sunday and Monday are predicted to see snow, and until February 22, there will probably be erratic weather.

It is recommended that travelers take caution, make sure their cars are in good condition, and pack emergency supplies. The control rooms of the Murree district government, a WhatsApp contact, and the PDMA’s 1129 helpline are all places to get assistance. For safe travels, visitors should follow traffic laws and use tire chains in places with snow.

The government has established thirteen tourist assistance centers to help tourists, while emergency services such as Rescue 1122 and the Tourism Helpline 1421 are available to offer support and direction.

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