Lakeshore City

Tag: lakeshore farms

Caring for The Community: Hospital in Lakeshore City

Caring for The Community: Hospital in Lakeshore City

Introduction to Lakeshore City Hospital A community’s physical and mental health are of the utmost significance, and Lakeshore City recognizes… Read more

The Thriving Education Sector in Lakeshore City

The Thriving Education Sector in Lakeshore City

Education is the bedrock upon which any healthy community is built, and Lakeshore City is justifiably incredibly proud of the… Read more

Lake Argyle: The Jewel of Lakeshore City

Lake Argyle: The Jewel of Lakeshore City

Introduction to Lake Argyle in Lakeshore City It’s true that Lakeshore City is home to a lot of amazing things,… Read more

Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism & Revival of Gandhara Civilization

Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism & Revival of Gandhara Civilization

Introduction Mahasanghika is the name of the branch of Buddhism that is in harmony with the world (Lokottaravadins). They tried… Read more

Tribute to Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb: A Legacy of Peace

Tribute to Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb: A Legacy of Peace

Introduction I received word at 22:34 on May 30, 2565, BE, of Miangul Adnan Aurangzeb’s untimely passing in a car… Read more

The Bell of Peace: Promoting Unity and Dhamma in Swat Valley

The Bell of Peace: Promoting Unity and Dhamma in Swat Valley

Introduction  As I previously indicated, Miangul Aurangzeb called me to erect the Bell of Peace for Swat’s good fortune in… Read more