Lakeshore City

Sikh Community Celebrates Baisakhi Festival in Peshawar

August 17, 2023

On Tuesday night, Sikh in PESHAWAR prayed for peace, religious tolerance, and national unity as they celebrated the holiday of Baisakhi.

Sikh teenagers performed during a Baisakhi celebration held at a local hotel and hosted by the Aurat Foundation to show support for their fellow Sikhs and to spread joy.

Both Muslims and Christians were present at the well-lit and colorfully decorated event.

Baisakhi is a harvest festival celebrated by Sikhs every year around April 13 or 14. Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of Sikhism, established the Khalsa Panth in 1699 as a formal order dedicated to protecting the Sikh community and celebrating the Sikh New Year.

Sikh community representative Baba Gorpal Singh praised everyone who came, especially those of different religions. He noted that this was the first time the holiday had been observed in such a proper fashion.

According to the Sikh guru, the holiday has been celebrated in the subcontinent for hundreds of years.

He explained that the celebration was representative of “love, affection, and happiness” in society. According to Mr. Baba Gorpal, Baisakhi is a time for Sikhs to gather and reflect on the significance of the holiday.

He claimed that the occasion was highly regarded in his neighborhood.

According to the Sikh spiritual leader, “Sikhs is a peace-loving community known for spreading love,” and Sikhism grants equal rights to both men and women. Mr. Baba Gorpal remarked that people of different religions might learn more about the Sikh religion and culture through the event.

At the beginning of the event, members of the Sikh community conducted religious ceremonies, and then young people showcased their cultural talents. They showed off their fighting prowess as well, complete with swordplay and fencing. The Sikhs also did their traditional bhangra dance to the beat of drums, which was well received.

Students from the local community performed a variety of skits that emphasized the need of building bridges between people of different faiths and cultures and the message that cultural diversity is a source of national pride.

Maqsood Ahmad Salfi, a spokesperson of the Pakistan Council of World Religions-Faith Friends, said, “This is the beauty of Pakistan that the people of different faiths participate in each other’s festivals and share their moments of joy and sorrow.” He argued that celebrations of the country’s diversity and multiculturalism were strengthened by them.

Hameed Jacob, general secretary of the Christian Welfare Organisation, once likened Pakistan to a bouquet of flowers, with the many religious communities representing the individual blooms. “Our identity is Pakistan regardless of our faith,” he added.

Our Featured Article:

Read More: Who are Sikhs? What is Sikhism?

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