Lakeshore City


What is Buddhism Theravada?

What is Buddhism Theravada?

Theravada (more or less pronounced “terra-VAH-dah”), the “Doctrine of the Elders,” is the branch of Buddhism that gets its scriptural… Read more

Buddhist Teachings Insights Into Achieving Sustainable Future

Buddhist Teachings Insights Into Achieving Sustainable Future

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated in a statement on Vesak Day—which celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha—that the… Read more

Archaeologists Unearth Buddha Statue in Ancient Egyptian City

Archaeologists Unearth Buddha Statue in Ancient Egyptian City

A Buddha believe just two feet tall was unearthed in the ancient Egyptian port city of Berenike.  According to William… Read more

2,000-Year-Old Buddhist Temple Unearthed in Pakistan

2,000-Year-Old Buddhist Temple Unearthed in Pakistan

According to the Hindustan Times, a Buddhist temple dating back to the first couple of millennia CE has been discovered… Read more

Buddhism: Exploring the Many Facets of Buddha’s Teachings

Buddhism: Exploring the Many Facets of Buddha’s Teachings

Buddhisms Buddhism is the religion that worships the Buddha. It may be better to call them “Buddhisms.” The Indian religion… Read more

The Search for Authority: Understanding Buddhist Scriptures

The Search for Authority: Understanding Buddhist Scriptures

Is there a Buddhist Bible? Not precisely. Buddhism contains many scriptures, but few are considered authentic and authoritative by all… Read more