Lakeshore City

Author: Sarmad

Country Attracted $16bn in Visitor Spending in 2022: World Bank

Country Attracted $16bn in Visitor Spending in 2022: World Bank

ISLAMABAD: According to the World Bank, Pakistan brought in $16 billion in visitor spending in 2022, and that amount is… Read more

Folk Festival Helps in Promotion of Cultural Tourism

Folk Festival Helps in Promotion of Cultural Tourism

Islamabad: As many local tourists traveled from all across the nation to attend this incredible mega-event in the nation’s capital,… Read more

Gandhara: A Cultural Crossroads of Ancient Art and History

Gandhara: A Cultural Crossroads of Ancient Art and History

GANDHARA CIVILISATION  The Rigveda makes the first mention of Gandhara, the ancient Peshawar Valley, and the birthplace of Buddhist civilization… Read more

Journey Through Swat Valley: Exploring Buddhist Stupas & Monasteries

Journey Through Swat Valley: Exploring Buddhist Stupas & Monasteries

Butkara I & II The Butkara Stupa is a significant Buddhist stupa located close to Saidu Sharif, the Swat capital…. Read more

Tracing Path of Enlightenment: Pakistan’s Buddhist Heritage Trail

Tracing Path of Enlightenment: Pakistan’s Buddhist Heritage Trail

BUDDHIST HERITAGE TRAIL  Historical ruins may be found throughout Pakistan, the melting pot of numerous civilizations and cultures from the… Read more

IQBAL DAY 2023 in Pakistan: When and How to Celebrate?

IQBAL DAY 2023 in Pakistan: When and How to Celebrate?

Introduction to Allama Iqbal Day 2023 Millions of people adore Allama Iqbal, the renowned philosopher, poet, and scholar, especially in… Read more